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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tweets - April 9th - Being Honest

A friend of mine that I've known for years now will be moving down from New York and staying with me for a while. I was thinking about this tonight as I was speaking to heaven, wondering if this really is a good idea, and because of his character I said, "I can't think of any reason why not", and (for the first time in quite a while) a spacecraft became luminous and bright in response.

Even though this is the first time (perhaps in months) that I've seen a "messenger" angel, those spacecrafts have been flying overhead often. But these angels have not been "messenger" angels, they have been "BE HONEST" angels.

They have been encouraging me at every turn to be honest with myself, honest about what is right in front of my face at that moment (and not lie, or make-believe, or hide feelings, or force myself to feel a way because something is true (regardless if actual or perceived)).

When the need to be honest has become severe and I'm picking up old patterns of behavior as if I'm still that rejected broken child burning in the flames of hell, then those spacecrafts spark overhead. The more severe the rebuke, the brighter the spark.

But I've been coming to terms with truths (feelings, thoughts, actions, responses) as they become evident and being honest about them, even understanding that being truly honest with others is no different than being truly honest with myself.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Tweets - March 6th - The Word of God

The Word of God is not bound by leather or pages in a book. It is not something that you could burn or rip apart or destroy by any means.

The Word of God belongs to God, and is not something that would be left alone in the hands of opinionated men, according to the will and efforts of men, for millennia.

What man can do, and has excelled at doing, is cooking up homemade forgeries and titling them, "The Infallible Incomparable Word of God". Interestingly enough, you have never seen God glorify any of these forgeries, not your mother's favorite forgery nor your father's.

Men do all the work and glorying themselves, because every forgery is the glory of man and man alone. You cannot write nor duplicate nor imitate the Word of God, you simply do not have the power nor capacity to do so.

How humanity differs from all other life on this planet is that we can perceive and understand the Word of God. We are the Joy and Love of God in this world.

From a single-celled organism to what would eventually become the human race. A race who could perceive and understand the Word of God - and yet, reject it - over and over - in favor of books and sayings of other men.

This entire universe is the Word of God. Our human nature is the Word of God. Our bodies are the Word of God. Every corpse in a grave is the Word of God.

God is speaking through your body. What is God saying to the world through your flesh? Can you believe God? If so, you will grieve and mourn yourself and then you will be healed.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Starving Poor

I suppose that when one is deeply alone and very obviously without God, anything that sounds like it might be from God is worth a mountain of gold.

What worth are a few pennies in a trashcan? I suppose they're worth everything when one is so used to receiving nothing worthwhile from God. These worthless prophecies are like pennies at the bottom of a filthy trashcan, and the only ones who seem to value them are the starving poor. These prophets have no choice but to glorify themselves, reminding you at every turn what they prophesied - because they too are starving, and they need to be fed. But God has refused to feed them, so they turn to you - and you oblige them everyday. The starving poor feeding the starving poor.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Tweets - December 17th - Be Honest

Heaven has been helping me see more plainly what is in front of me. Honesty and Liberty go together hand-in-hand. Walking by faith is not just to walk in the faithfulness (trustworthiness, honesty, care) of God, but it is also to walk in the faithfulness of mankind.

Heaven made it clear to me (again) that I don't need to jump to conclusions, especially about people, as I don't know them and I don't know where they are from or why they truly do the things they do. No need to assume because of my own experiences or anecdotal evidence. My job is to just be honest with them, with you, about plain in-your-face things, and to walk by faith in the Power and Love and Kindness and Trustworthiness and Character of God (who has remain unchanged from day one with me).

My job is to just be honest, allowing to flourish whatever God will flourish and allowing to perish whatever God will perish. If I see a light bulb go off over you and in you and around you, then I will be an honest guardrail to you, but I will also walk by faith in the Liberty that is your humanity.

I am so very looking forward to watching you shine in this Earth, being glorified by God as you do whatever things you will do, turning lumps of dirt into beautiful systems that upbuild the Garden of God and encourage our well-being and our liberty.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Tweets - December 8th - Holiness for Dummies

You gotta love God's "Holiness for Dummies" books. Volumes 1, 2 and 3, they're all great. This world is a beacon of light because of them.

In Volume 1, we learn that sometimes it's OK to rape, enslave, slaughter, and be racist - as long as we get the thumbs-up of approval from God.

In Volumes 2 and 3, we learn about the torments of hell, the Gospel of fear. For God has given us the spirit of fear. Volume 3 drives this nail in with a hammer repeatedly, over and over and over and over.

Volume 3 teaches us that if God did not want us to have the Holy Spirit of fear, then God would never have mentioned hell in the first place. For otherwise, knowing about hell would not matter with regards the gospel.

Volume 3 is honest about this, and its adherents are honest about it; Volume 2 and its adherents, not so much.

It's why so many people in the early church, and later Muhammad, rejected Paul. He taught that the law could not save and never talked about hell; to him, condemnation was death, and salvation was eternal life and resurrection from the dead; but we'll continue to disregard this.

For we walk by fear, and not by sight. Our salvation is salvation from God's self-designed place of eternal pain and torment. God saw it and saw that it was good - one of God's greatest creative ideas; the only possible solution to God's problems.

We must conform and change because we are to fear God's loving hatred, God's merciful aggression. We must never be honest with ourselves, we must never investigate ourselves or try to understand why we do the things we do.

We must disregard our pain, disregard our history, disregard our constant abuse, even disregard the complete absence of God when God is so very much needed. None of that matters. We are to worry and we are to conform to the glory of God's gospel of fear.

Sometimes I put penises in my mouth, and now God is enraged with me. Though I didn't exist in this universe prior to 44 years ago, God is burning with an eternal fury because I keep putting penises in my mouth. This is why the gospel of fear is good for me.

Because of this gospel, I can choose to not put penises in my mouth; I can consider these things because I otherwise would think nothing of them (I would be oblivious to any wrongdoing).

Treating people in ways I'd never want them to treat me, I understand is not good, but licking very specific engorged blood-filled body parts, I would have never considered. It makes me envy those dick sucking bonobos.

Why can't I put them in my mouth exactly? It doesn't matter. God gave a thumbs-down on humans sucking dick and now I am at risk of roasting in the flames forever and ever and ever.

But I am saved through God's grace, and my works of not putting penises in my mouth and forcing myself to entertain the ideas of doing things that I very much hate (monogamy, marriage, monogamous relationship with a woman).

Because of God's Gospel, I walk by fear and refrain from putting penises in my mouth and I get angry with myself and condemn myself whenever the thought pops in my head of me planting my face in between some man's thighs... But sometimes I backslide.

Seek ye first the Tyranny of Heaven, and all these fears will be added to you. You will know what to hate about yourself, because God hated them first. And we need this Kingdom on earth, to save this world from the hell which God delighted in creating.

God knows us better than we know ourselves. Is hell the absolute worst imaginable place that one could end up? Well, yes.

And since God knows us better than we know ourselves, then couldn't God move us and change things so that a person who's only existed for 44 years could never possibly do anything that would make them end up in such a place like hell? Well, yes.

But God is Love in feeling only, not so much in action or deed. The gospel given to us is a gospel of fear, and our God has given us the spirit of fear. There is no need to think about these things or reason with them; just do as you're told.

Truth, honesty, and integrity serve no purpose on the road to heaven. As says God, ministers, prophets, parents, armed persons, slave masters, and government officials - do as you're told, don't think, and all will be well.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Tweets - November 15th

You struggle to lean on what you know is true because the truth condemns you. So you tell your awful destructive lies because you are so deeply afraid and alone. Help from God is a wish and a dream. Your unaltered behaviors are your evidence that God is not with you.

Just to be clear, forcing and convincing yourself to be who you are not is not indicative of behavioral changes. All it'll take is for some extreme situation to bring "you" back to the surface. Your actions are only indicative that you judge and condemn yourself.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Tweets - October 13th - What is Needed

A few times over the last few months and years, spacecrafts became luminous in my peripheral. Sometimes it was a rebuke, sometimes it was an affirmation. It would catch my attention and I would turn my head in that direction to look.

A few weeks ago, maybe the last time I saw any spacecrafts until tonight, I mentioned that there was no point in speculating what this meant, I would just have to wait and see.

It turns out I needed a bit of help. I was speaking to heaven about injustice. 22 spacecrafts flew, one after the other. This is the way they flew: The first spacecraft caught my attention in my right eye, causing me to look. It was flying above the trees. Another spacecraft came up from behind the trees - right to left - and flew. The first spacecraft dimmed out of sight, then the next dimmed out in the same location of the first. Then another spacecraft flew and did the same. And another and another spacecraft flew, one after the other, until they reached the same general location where they dimmed out of sight. About halfway or 3/4 of the way through the 22 spacecrafts, they began to dim closer to the trees, until the point that they flew behind the trees and didn't reappear.

I was amazed, but I didn't understand. Remembering justice and what happened to me a few years ago, I mentioned to heaven that if I didn't have that chest pain I would not have known (FOR CERTAIN) I was committing injustice, and a spacecraft became luminous in my right peripheral, then became brilliantly luminous. And then I began to understand.

It is something that heaven needs for me to remember and understand completely: God is faithful. I will always be given what I need when I need it (to the glory of my flesh, the glory of our race, the Garden, and the glory of God). What is needed won't always be prominent, it won't always be right in front of my face, I won't always see it right away, I won't always understand. How beautiful. How beautiful I won't ever have to go searching for it - it will always be given.

I know that there is more to this - something just out of grasp - I even questioned heaven, "What do I do with this information?". I know for certain that because of God's faithfulness, I will have no reason to boast in myself for finding or doing anything.

I thought about posting all this to Twitter/X and a spacecraft became luminous front-and-center and became brilliantly luminous in response.

Hindsight... even when I feel like something is "just out of grasp", I will have what I need as I need it (according to what is good). And when I say "I", I am talking about the entire Garden of God.

My foolishness is being made greater than the wisdom of a thousand elders. I am so thankful that heaven knows me better than I know myself.