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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tweets - May 30th - Quiet

Watching the rains earlier made me see that there's going to be a new normal, for all of us. God has to come and get involved with this world since we've forced God to endure violence and the atrocious maltreatment of people - especially of those who own little to nothing.

It isn't anything that anyone can plan for - not physically, not mentally. This world will be quiet; there will not be found the screams of a son dying in war nor the cries of a daughter begging for bread. This world will be quiet.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tweets - May 29th - Reward and Punishment

I want you to understand something. You will not find reward or punishment in the Living God.

Punishment is the man-made works of an authoritarian with the sole intent of causing distress for a wrong-doing. Reward is owed for a job well done, and as I've stated before, God does not owe anyone anything ever.

Recognize then this difference between humanity and God. Humanity is a godless race.

God is an impartial gift giver, and God corrects. It would certainly be an easier task for God to correct those who see the indecency in themselves, but this is the Earth, where all lies circle from our mouths to our own ears, and any correction from God must be extreme.

God is getting involved when God shouldn't have to get involved.

When does God give gifts? And when does God correct? Surely, God does nothing, neither good nor evil.

Gifts are given to those who accept them. Would you give a gift to someone you knew would toss it in the trash or trample it under their feet? Why heal the cancer patient who will perpetuate their indecency and continually lie to themselves about what they see and do?

God's gifts are eternal, even to eternal life. God does not heal the perishing dead - human physicians do this, God does not. What would be the point of any such generous blessing? I hope I'm saying things that aren't too difficult to follow.

Correction is given so that one changes their behavior. It hurts - it's never easy, not by the one doing the correcting or the one being corrected. Even more awful when the one doing the correcting deeply loves the one who needs to be corrected.

When God corrects, a lot of thought and effort goes into it with the intent of producing decent people - even eternally. God is not a human mother, God is extreme and eternal, and many who'll undergo God's correction will not survive.

Correction from God is to transform a violent and ferocious mass-murderer into a gentle human being - even one who learns faithfulness apart from death and relies on God for mercy and safety (as strange as that sounds). It requires extremity, severity, and persistence.

God does not take away liberty from any living thing - not that I've ever known. When God does not bother correcting a person, they die - as we have known billions of times over. God is getting involved when God shouldn't have to get involved.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Tweets - May 25th - Trade

Trade should be an addition to life, to improve the quality of life. Trade should not be a requirement of life; it should not be the only thing separating a living person from the grave; it isn't required for people to live this way. People should have the option to live with trade (working 40+ hours a week if they prefer) and the option to live without trade (working only as much as personally needed to survive), but they don't. In the US, the only land you can live on is land that's been paid for, and this requires trade.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Time

There is a time for work, and a time for entertainment, and a time for healing.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tweets - May 20th

13 years ago I decided to go alone. I could no longer wait behind with this world. I promise you I tried to bring people with me, so that we could journey together, but no one wanted to come. I didn't have much to offer, but the little that I had would be ours.

Sometimes I think that may have been for the best. I did not always receive Godly counsel. The messengers of God would speak, and I would not listen. But understand, there was no other Kelvin, and they knew this. The only Kelvin was the Kelvin who would not listen. I "wanted" to listen, but "want" was a feeling and not an action (which is what truly matters). I would have to undergo traumatic distress before I would take hold of and cling to Godly counsel, and not take for granted the calm rest that God gave me (which is required in order to learn, observe and grow). The spitefulness of man would have abandoned me in my distress, even to death, but they are not godless spiteful men; they learned mercy by watching God, and they openly and publicly became my mercy and my light so that anyone near me can see. I am so thankful for the counsel given me tonight. I want to always move forward.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Tweets - May 17th

Earlier tonight while talking to God, before the space station, 2 spacecrafts flew overhead. I wonder if those on board the space station saw them. If so, you likely won't be hearing about it - not from NASA anyway.

I was discussing the issue of salesmen, political and religious. Oftentimes, people cling to information that sounds good - it sounds right, and that's enough for them to trust the pitch without doing any further investigation. They essentially trust the salesman.

I am so very untrusting. As soon as someone begins trying to convince me of something, anything, ten thousand red flags fly up. This isn't to say that they're lying, but they are being biased.

And this is evident by the fact that they are trying to convince me of something rather than just telling me the plain untouched truth. I'd prefer you just give me all the information and not tell me how to think or feel about it.

God is not a salesman. Never, not one time, in these last 13 years of my walk with God has God ever tried to throw me a pitch.

Religion is a salesman - full of unobservable promises: just pay the price (by following the laws and commandments of the lord), and you too will receive a crotchless body and drink from the golden showers of heaven which never stop flowing.

God doesn't owe you anything - not a sales pitch, not a promise, not a heaven. As such, God does not require anything from you (personally, for God's benefit). If God were hungry, do you think God would tell you?

In the beginning, God wanted something, and God saw it fit to put in work and effort to give God what God wanted. YOU were not required in any step of that process; neither was your worship required, nor your sacrifice.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Tweets - May 15th - Faith

Your faith is established on God's power just like mine. When I say "faith", I mean "unwavering trust", and not simply belief. You can only trust (concerning God) what God wants you to trust. That faith I'm talking about is death - it is an unwavering trust. There is no possible way to convince you otherwise, not without God's power. You can attach tens of thousands of different beliefs over tens of thousands of generations, but you all share the same faith, and that is death. Your pastor, your prophet, your mother, and the witch doctor all have the same faith - it is established on God's power, and it is unwavering; there is no doubting death.

As such, the persecution of poor people, homosexuals, brown people, witches, prostitutes, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and other people you hate just for existing - that's all you. God has nothing to do with your treacherous behavior and unending violence. Though there is a limit to the good you can do (as your faith is death), this does not give reason for you to kill and judge and cause pain because you hate. It is for this reason, that this world, this generation, will understand God through God's wrath.

God understands the fear of death - but the maltreatment of others and the violence because of hate will bring about an ending.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Tweets - May 10th

"The wrath of God." "The wrath of God." Twice, those spacecrafts turned on the high beams tonight to emphasize that the ultimate purpose of God's impending wrath is for the salvation of the world, the salvation of the living. I was encouraged to continue to think more about this.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tweets - May 6th - Forgiveness, Trust, Funny Night

Do you think forgiveness and forgetting are mutually exclusive or not mutually exclusive? ~ Henry's tweet (someone I follow)

I can forgive someone and not trust them (if this is what you mean). For me, forgiveness is an action: you know that I've forgiven you without having to hear me say, "I forgive you" or "I accept your apology". Doesn't mean I openly and blindly trust them.

The only thing I require from anyone is kindness and decency; if I am denied, then I can't trust them. No need to be a doormat for the sake of making others feel better about their poor choices.

If they value your relationship (friendship, family-ship), then what they did wrong needs to be made plain and clear, so they'll think twice - no, 10 times - before letting it happen again.

For instance, I have a friend who if he asked me to help him move furniture into a new place, I'd be right over. He is a friend who is not welcome in my home. A few years ago, on 2 occasions, he became physically violent with other friends - once, neighbors called the police.

The last time was he was over was maybe 5 or 6 years ago. He knows he isn't welcome here, and hasn't been in all these years. If I do decide to invite him over my place again (which won't be anytime soon), then he understands the severity of the matter (if he truly cares).

God wants to help you. He wants to heal you, to free you, to increase you, to take you places that you’ve never dreamed. He’s longing to be good to you. Look to Him as your Source. ~ Joel Osteen's tweet

Then if God doesn't do these things, then it's all your fault? Why all the victimization? Just going by what we see and experience as humans walking this Earth, we have absolutely no control over what God does. NONE.

If God wants to heal me, then God will heal me, whether I "look to him as a source" or not. Faith, which is trust, is not established on someone promising you mercy after a sacrifice is made ("look to me as a source and I'll heal you"). Is this why you trust your mother?

Faith (Trust) is established by God FIRST AND FOREMOST through acts of merciful kindness, and not hope. This is why Faith belongs to God, and not you or me. You can only be faithful if God wants you to be faithful. No need to blame victims who have no control over what God does.

I was out earlier talking to God about how things have always been laid out for me. I can go and learn as often as I desire, but whenever God wants me to know and understand things, they are presented to me, laid out bare, like a table of open books, all turned to the right page.

Faith without God's work is dead.

Funny night. I was out tonight having dialogue. The last spacecraft I saw slowly flew across the sky; it faded in and out of sight - 8 seconds on, 12 seconds off, or so I determined based on my own version of "seconds". (Like a child counting to 10.)

Trying to be precise, I counted over and over until it began to fly overhead and out of view behind my home. As it was about to fly out of view, while I was counting the "on" seconds, it quickly flashed, then flew out of view. It made me smile.

It reminds me of when someone you love dips the tips of their fingers in water and flicks it in your face. It made my smile. They are like children playing, and it made me smile. We can get back to business tomorrow.