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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tweets - April 9th - Being Honest

A friend of mine that I've known for years now will be moving down from New York and staying with me for a while. I was thinking about this tonight as I was speaking to heaven, wondering if this really is a good idea, and because of his character I said, "I can't think of any reason why not", and (for the first time in quite a while) a spacecraft became luminous and bright in response.

Even though this is the first time (perhaps in months) that I've seen a "messenger" angel, those spacecrafts have been flying overhead often. But these angels have not been "messenger" angels, they have been "BE HONEST" angels.

They have been encouraging me at every turn to be honest with myself, honest about what is right in front of my face at that moment (and not lie, or make-believe, or hide feelings, or force myself to feel a way because something is true (regardless if actual or perceived)).

When the need to be honest has become severe and I'm picking up old patterns of behavior as if I'm still that rejected broken child burning in the flames of hell, then those spacecrafts spark overhead. The more severe the rebuke, the brighter the spark.

But I've been coming to terms with truths (feelings, thoughts, actions, responses) as they become evident and being honest about them, even understanding that being truly honest with others is no different than being truly honest with myself.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Tweets - March 6th - The Word of God

The Word of God is not bound by leather or pages in a book. It is not something that you could burn or rip apart or destroy by any means.

The Word of God belongs to God, and is not something that would be left alone in the hands of opinionated men, according to the will and efforts of men, for millennia.

What man can do, and has excelled at doing, is cooking up homemade forgeries and titling them, "The Infallible Incomparable Word of God". Interestingly enough, you have never seen God glorify any of these forgeries, not your mother's favorite forgery nor your father's.

Men do all the work and glorying themselves, because every forgery is the glory of man and man alone. You cannot write nor duplicate nor imitate the Word of God, you simply do not have the power nor capacity to do so.

How humanity differs from all other life on this planet is that we can perceive and understand the Word of God. We are the Joy and Love of God in this world.

From a single-celled organism to what would eventually become the human race. A race who could perceive and understand the Word of God - and yet, reject it - over and over - in favor of books and sayings of other men.

This entire universe is the Word of God. Our human nature is the Word of God. Our bodies are the Word of God. Every corpse in a grave is the Word of God.

God is speaking through your body. What is God saying to the world through your flesh? Can you believe God? If so, you will grieve and mourn yourself and then you will be healed.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Starving Poor

I suppose that when one is deeply alone and very obviously without God, anything that sounds like it might be from God is worth a mountain of gold.

What worth are a few pennies in a trashcan? I suppose they're worth everything when one is so used to receiving nothing worthwhile from God. These worthless prophecies are like pennies at the bottom of a filthy trashcan, and the only ones who seem to value them are the starving poor. These prophets have no choice but to glorify themselves, reminding you at every turn what they prophesied - because they too are starving, and they need to be fed. But God has refused to feed them, so they turn to you - and you oblige them everyday. The starving poor feeding the starving poor.