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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Monday, August 31, 2020

Tweets - August 31st - God's Work

We all bear witness to the actions of God. It has been told to us that God dropped off ancient holy books in the middle of a dry barren desert, surrounded them by venomous snakes and scorpions, and ensured that only the most advanced apologetically inclined Yale or Oxford graduate with an advanced doctorate degree in Debating and Godly Divinity can accurately understand them. How merciful.

It's almost like God wants people to roast in the fires of hell; you know, doing the least amount of work to ensure disbelievers remain disbelievers - being told that God cares about such things. Because if Allah or Jesus actually wanted disbelievers to become believers, then he could accomplish it in about 5 minutes flat. No time need be wasted on preachers, or long convoluted stories or gospels, or warmongering prophets who spend millennia doing what the lord could get done in about 5 minutes. It's almost like he wants us to burn forever - doing the most pathetic and absolute least amount of work one would expect from a god, and then becoming eternally pissed with us for accepting the nothingness we were given. It's almost like he struggles with forgiveness, requiring work and effort, and the blood and sacrifice and animals and Mary's children. How graceful.

In truth, atheists exist. Atheists don't exist because they choose to exist, but because the choice was made for them. God can end atheism in a matter of minutes, yet God has refused to. If God no longer wants Joe to be an atheist, then Joe will no longer be an atheist - which makes the work God's alone, and not mine or yours, or even Joe's.

Though we all bear witness, most of us refuse to believe what we see God doing.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tweets - August 22nd - Focus

For a while, at least for the short time I've been in this state of being healed, I thought it was my own protest that God would see through. But in truth, as it was made aware to me, it is God's protest through and through, and not mine at all.

Faith belongs to God. God requires faith, chile, then mountains crumble, populated places turn into rivers and lakes, and the dead are healed and given over to life. As for what exactly will be accomplished through this (besides my transformation), I'm unsure.

A lot of joy, a ton of hatred and pain - but there is a great wall of defense and strength, and love and dread, that I've called, "Yahweh". My focus is always Yahweh - not by any efforts or desires of my own - as I cannot glorify God for anyone, not even for myself.

My focus are the things of Yahweh: life eternal (and all that it accomplishes); decency (and all that it accomplishes); and restoring, redeeming, liberating justice (and all that it accomplishes) - all of which I lean on God to complete in man.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tweets - August 21st - Learning

I live and I learn, just need to sit back and think things through. Everything that God does is purposeful, even healing some dicksucker while sucking a dick.

God is willing to be mocked and hated and unacknowledged for a time, just so that when God does show mercy, you become aware that it is God showing mercy (and not you showing mercy to yourself or receiving it from others) - then God is glorified.

And when God is glorified (which only God can do), the human body rejoices - the body which is destined for life.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Living Resurrection

My healing is foolishness, something fit for the most naive and gullible child. What worldly wisdom is therein? This healing is for my community (whomever they may yet be) and myself, to the Glory of the Living God.

I used to have these pains in the glands in my neck (throat area) in the first cold of every fall or winter. I suppose these are lymph glands as I never bothered to get them checked out since the pain always went after a few days. I expected the pain every year, and I was never let down. I believe it was in 2008, the pain became so bad one evening that it woke me up in my sleep. I was 2 years in my walk with God at that point, and God had shown me such great kindness so far. So I took up my complaint to God and asked if God could remove the pain for good. I was as certain as the rising sun that my pain would be gone. I went back to sleep, woke up the next day with significantly less pain - and no more after that for the rest of the year.

But then the following winter, the pain came back. So then I could only assume that God didn't heal me, because I knew that when God brings about an end to something, it is DONE. So then all those things that Brent had mentioned and realized about the transformation of the flesh (the Living Resurrection) began to become clear to me (making plain what was blurry). At that very moment, I knew it was the end of my pain - and I haven't had any pains in my lymph glands in over a decade.

Even before then, I was diagnosed with dermatitis (seborrheic) on my scalp, which causes a thick flaky buildup and spreads like a rash when scratched. I was prescribed this steroid cream, which only seemed to help a little - but the cream was difficult to use through my locs. After that first bottle, I was done - it didn't cure the issue (as there is no cure for this type of dermatitis that I'm aware of), but it did alleviate some of the itching. I found similar relief in some moisturizers. Well having a head of hair, the dermatitis just wasn't something I really thought about - especially with all that was going on in my life. A little itch here, a little scratch there. Well, all of those itches and scratches took a bad turn when I could visibly see the affected darkened skin extend beyond the hairline. This, plus the unending flaking, is the reason why I wear a scarf/bandana all the time.

In January, I made a request to God, to make the salvation of God visible in my flesh by making it youthful; but around the same time, I also made another request, that God would get rid of this skin condition. A few nights ago, I was speak to heaven about the glory of God, and then I mentioned, "I am God's glory." (When I say "I", I'm speaking in reference to everyone who walks with God, as I am only unique in my creativity.) A spacecraft became luminous and slowly - slowly - became brighter and brighter in confirmation; which leads me to think that it became more true over time.

I wasn't sure how to take pictures of youthful skin (I am 40 - and any changes would be through touch until they become dramatic changes), but I knew I could take pics of my scalp.

The first 2 pics are my scalp before I washed it. They were taken last year some time (faith and foresight - as I took the pics before I asked God for help). You can see the darkened area extending beyond the hairline. This is the dermatitis when left untouched and unmoisturized.

The next 2 pics were taken after I washed my hair. I have to use my nails and scrub off the dead thick skin, which leaves behind that reddish wound that eventually flakes back over if I don't continually wash and moisturize (the more I wash, the less I have to scrub).

The next 2 pics were taken in early July. You can see the the light and dark spots on my forehead. It's when I first really began to notice it being healed.

The final 2 pics were taken the beginning of this month (August). The dermatitis is no longer on my forehead, and has since retreated back a little bit further. Though it is present in my beard and eyebrows (which you may be able to see).

Everything on time.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Tweets - August 3rd - Skin

About 6 or 7 years ago, I had an intimate get-together with 2 guys at my place - one guy was in his early 30s and the other was in his mid 20s. I remember rubbing the body of the guy in his 20s and being amazed at the softness of his skin.

I immediately attributed this incredible softness of his skin to his youth. As far as I was concerned, such things were part of my distant future while walking in God's Garden.

It seems that such things aren't so distant after all. The skin on my elbows, my knees, my feet, the area above the heel of my feet (achilles area), my lower legs, my forearms, my stomach, my lower back - they all have new soft skin. It's nearing what the guy in his 20s had, but not quite there yet. But I am amazed at how soft my elbows, knees, and heels are - I keep rubbing them just to be sure I'm actually feeling what I think I'm feeling.

My face is doing something - I met with my mother last week for her birthday, and I sat far away from her just so she wouldn't ask me a bunch of questions about the blemishes. She even noticed I was sitting far away from her and suggested I sit closer - but I didn't budge.

Faith is a feedback loop: the outcomes of faith can be used to encourage faith.