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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tweet - July 31st

Last night I was encouraged from above to wait for God. It was so exciting. I felt like a giddy child on Christmas eve anticipating my gifts in the morning. You see, I chipped my bottom front tooth last week while biting a piece of mango off a fork.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tweets - July 22nd

I had a conversation a few weeks ago with "heaven", and it was agreed that the U.S. government is not pure evil. So even if Trump gave the go ahead to wipe a country off the map, I trust that both congress and the U.S. military would raise their middle fingers in one accord.

So no. You, like everyone else in this place, can only do as much as you are permitted to do. Even if you wished, there are some things you are not allowed to do. King, President, whatever. You would be denied the availability and the resources, and it's as simple as that.

And those things you are allowed to do, you are only allowed a time so that the truth might be made obvious to the King, those who wield the sword, and those who suffer under them. There is nothing that happens in this universe without God's approval.

God loves the world. And as much as God is forced to endure the brutal violence and starvation forced on children in places like Yemen, God was not about to come to their rescue. This is plainly obvious.

God is not going to save the dying dead, nor should we ever expect God to be a light to Islam (or Christianity for that matter). God chose brutal oppression and starvation over saving your children, and this is a harsh reality, and the message still isn't heeded.

If God were going to be a light to Christianity, it would have occurred a long time ago. But here we are, where people are still waiting on the lord to get up, move, and rapture them.

The severity of God's judgment is well understood in this place. The fact that holy books exist are testament of this (as they encourage people to see and believe in some side of God that does not exist).

God is going to save the world (from both oppression and death). But this will require the oppressors and the oppressed to reap what they have sown, see and understand what they have done, embrace decency, and walk with God (who will be revealed to them).

Capitalism, for instance, is a form of oppression. Though many are saved by it, others are destroyed by it. Solutions in this place are warped. Instead of changing the dog-eat-dog system, the victim is blamed because he was eaten; perpetuating cycles of poverty and violence.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Tweets - July 15th

Any laws, economies, or systems which require punishment as a means to order the population, is a system not worth having. In no manner will God remove humanity from its exiled state before this is clearly understood. Consider restoration, consider justice, consider mercy.

Too many bad decisions are made here, and each of them start with lies.

The Garden of God (the future of this world) is an agreement existing between mankind and God. So there is no Garden without the support and will of mankind, and there is no Garden without the support and will of God.

There are no dictators or rulers or authorities in the Garden, so there must be trust; this type of trust does not yet exist on this planet. The purpose of God's judgment and wrath (that you will feel with your flesh and see with your eyes) is to change this once and for all.

The trust between one person and another will be like the trust between an infant and its mother, like the trust between twin sisters who adore each other; it will be like the then trust between mankind and God.

This trust does not yet exist in this godless world where trusting others is often a terrible idea.

That thing you serve day and night, who encourages violence, who punishes for the sake of inflicting pain, is nothing - it is nothing - it so much of nothing that you must pick up bat, stone, broken glass, and gun, and do all the violence yourself, encouraging others and justifying it by doing it all in the name of that lord you serve. I'm telling you, every ho, fag and prostitute will walk barefoot in God's Garden before you.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tweets - July 9th and 12th

Jumping to conclusions is often the simplest, and easiest, and quickest thing to do. It doesn't require any thought. It doesn't even require the truth. You would never want anyone to treat you this way.


You can go out and be as strong, as smart, as mighty, as rich, as wise, and as powerful as you possibly can be. But I promise you, such things are painfully ending, and it will be the gentle who inherit the Earth.

A good indicator of gentleness is when a person does not need to attach intelligence or wisdom or strength or monetary value to their own self worth.

You are who you are. There's never a need to lie to yourself; if you think it impresses God, you are greatly mistaken. Acceptable change begins by being honest with yourself about yourself.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Tweets - July 5th - Timed

As of the last few months, something new has been occurring. It's usually just one spacecraft (among several during the night) - its light illumines and darkens at timed intervals and in a repeating pattern.

It's usually different each time - sometimes a quick flash is thrown in, sometimes the light goes bright, dims, then gets a little brighter and darkens - always timed, always in interval. I'm unfamiliar with this, but it has been happening.

What I do understand is that this world is about to meet her God face-to-face, and she will tremble and shit herself. And it's amazing that this knowledge could not come through teaching, but through experience.

Maybe I could have received the message of God's wrath by watching someone else endure it, but I was the subject - brought out of religion and refined through terrible fire - and I survived because I heeded and I understood that God requires mercy.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweets - July 4th - Temple of God

If your body is the "Temple of God", then I expect this to be or become evident in your flesh, so, that which was once dying is obviously becoming eternal; otherwise, you're just repeating things your pastor said and are in fact perishing and withering away.

Your temple is as glorious as an ant hill, and you've planted a worthless idol on its highest altar and set beside it scrolls of violence and judgment; destruction was the only possible outcome.

I don't expect God to bother building a "Temple" among the foul ruins until the idol, altar, and scrolls are pulverized and removed. And since we're talking about the flesh here, only God can build the "Temple of God". God knows what God wants, from the very beginning.