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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pay attention

If people knew that God gives (true and actual) eternal life, they would recognize that death is judgment. Death is a harsh judgment - though not as harsh as that everlasting hell-fire brought to you in part by the church of Jesus, the human sacrificee.

If people knew that God saves and transforms the flesh, they would recognize that fear is useless. I'm not talking about an immediate fright, shock, or surprise; I'm talking about looking into the future, being afraid of it, and preparing for the worst. This is the godlessness of the nations.

But people do not know God. They say that God is kind, but God is not kind to this race. God is openly showing everyone who God is, but no one believes God. They are literally saying to God, "You are a liar! You are kind and merciful." But the hour is coming when people will believe God. It is impossible for a man to believe God without first being honest with himself - and this is God's hurdle for the living.

People hope for heaven, where God is kind to them. They admit this. But they will not admit that God is not kind to them here and now. Understand, the dead do not know God - they do not know anything. God is God of the living, and if a woman does not cross that bridge into eternal life, it is because God rejected her; she did not know God.

It is difficult for humanity to believe that God gives eternal life, being so long rejected by God. Even the church found it easier to believe in eternal life in heaven after you die (especially after so many saints and bishops and apostles were dropping dead). Though the church initially believed in eternal life as Christ explained to them (being raised up himself, flesh and all, to life eternal) - they clung to religion; they made a religion out of him and made up a "word of God" to solidify their faith. God wasn't about to send or save anyone else for a hell of a long time. And for the last 2000 or so years, God has been intent on saving no one (narrow is the way, and those who enter are few - it's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle). God is consistent - and because of this consistency, God is knowable. Just pay attention.

If a person goes to God, like an infant being introduced to his mother, assuming nothing about her, God is willing to be found, for a short while. Go to God with your many rules, laws and opinions, and you will find yourself rejected. If God does permit you to stumble across mercy, then some of the strange sounding Psalms will start to make sense (like Psalm 16, where the author was talking about him/herself) - though many of those Psalms should be fire fuel.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Nothing is impossible for me. I just need time, and I have a lot of it.

It has been amazing seeing those spacecrafts grace the night sky these past few weeks.

Monday, May 21, 2018


The messengers of God (as I have called them over the years) have been flying overhead the last few nights. I received a peculiar message tonight (which was one of the last that flew overhead tonight). There was a low flying airplane flying over my home, and it brought back memories of when airplanes flew so low that they were loud and would rumble and shake the whole house. I chuckled at the memory, and a spacecraft dipped out of the sky, lit up and flew speedily overhead. I was then reminded of God's roar. Not sure what to make of this.

Do not be deceived

There are many false prophets and leaders in the world and there will be many more in the days ahead.

The easiest way to spot a false prophet or leader: they will try to make you believe things. They will speak convincing words to you; they will try to 'sell' you something; they will try to convince you of the future; they will promise you things; they will try to convince you of things that no one can see. They will try to make you believe things. Stay away from them.

As an example, I watched a video of the false prophet Benny Hinn who told his congregation, "Only those who have been giving to God's work would be spared". He then told the congregation where to write the checks and how to submit a credit card payment.

As another example, there are many street prophets with microphones and bullhorns in major cities in the US. They will try to convince you of things. An example is the Black Hebrew Israelites - who shout to black Americans that they are descendants of ancient Israelites, so that their words are sweet to the ear, so that black Americans join the religion. They offer the promise of salvation (and who knows what else) if they follow the rules and laws of the book. (This isn't to say that there aren't some Americans who descend from ancient Israelites, but outside of a DNA test, this is impossible to know. And if you know that some of your DNA sequences match those from people of ancient Israel, it is just knowledge, nothing more. It's literally just an FYI. A man on the corner with a microphone trying to convince you otherwise is your proof that he is a false leader.)

Stay away from them.

The only One who can promise you salvation is the One who can save you.

Our ancestors clung to the heels of false prophets and leaders, and now they are parked six feet under - none of them were saved.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


It was Brent's words that parted me from religion, and it was Christ's words and power that led me to God.

Here's something I wrote back in 2007:
...in 2003 (as I can tell by some old emails I have), I separated myself from mainstream Christianity and began to seek the truth of God for myself by reading the bible from beginning to end. I remember doing a search on an online search engine (like Google) - I think I was trying to find bible contradiction websites (for whatever reason) and I then ran across Brent's website, and by reading his bible commentaries - I put the entire bible and religion to the side. I read about his experiences with the spacecrafts which he sometime called "guardian angels" and about Yahweh - and for a while, I decided to believe what he believed... until I realized he actually had no religion - and was more into politics and justice than anything else (from what I saw). So I went through a year of nothing, I wasn't even sure if there was any higher power - though I never forgot that 'moving star' I saw when I was 19 years old. 2 years passed, and it was 2005 that I took a glance at the Gospel of Thomas (since I heard that the Greek fragments may be as old as the Gospel of Mark) and I read a line that said something on the line of "[Yeshua said,] A man old in days will not hesitate to ask a child of 7 days about life, and he will live." So I thought to myself, "I will strip myself of as much knowledge about life and God(s) as possible, and I will assume nothing." [At which time I began seeking the truth of God from God.]

What God did through Brent would have been impossible with me. Brent was called by God early in his life, and probably even before then. He openly rejected religious dogma when he was only a few years old, while in Sunday school. I had no such frame of mind, and if I did and openly acted out in Sunday school, I would have been whipped by my mother. So God could not call me at an early age, not in the way that God called Brent - otherwise, my mother might not have been my mother for as long as she has been. Additionally, I was surrounded by a lot of religion and a lot of male macho authoritarianism that put me in emotional states that made me not so easy to deal with.

But when I found Brent, I clung to him. And when Christ called out to me, I clung to Brent even more. When I say "I clung to Brent", I mean that he was like a guiding light. Now mind you, after I left religion, I wasn't about to adhere to anything anyone said simply because they believed it to be true; I looked at Brent no differently in this regard. I didn't necessarily want to cling to Brent, because I wasn't looking for much from him (not like how I was looking for much from God), but the little he had to give, I wanted (I'm explaining this as best as I can). It was no accident that I stumbled across Brent around the same time that me and religion were parting ways. Christ said, "I want Kelvin to see My power, and the only way this will be accomplished without killing him in the process is for him to cling to Brent". Additionally, Christ might also be fulfilling those 2 prophets prophecies in Zechariah and Revelations; if so, it's his desire and decision to do so, and he is under no obligation to fulfill those prophecies.

I imagine that Brent will be walking barefoot in God's Garden a few years before me, and in those days, I will no longer be able to cling to him.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Old memory

When I was about 7 years old (in the second grade), I was in school and I kissed my best friend in front of the whole class. Some kids laughed at me, and others told me I was gay, and some told me I was going to hell because 'boys not supposed to kiss boys'. But my friend was like my brother, and I was just showing him (and everyone) that I truly cared for him using the only method I knew at the time; that was to give him a kiss. But I did not understand the insults from my classmates. I thought it was OK to love my friend and to affectionately show that love, but it was discouraged. Someone obviously forgot to tell me not to show affection to friends that have penises. The insults from my classmates disturbed me because that was the first time in my life that I thought something was wrong with me. Elementary school was sometimes hell for me - especially in the years that followed. "Kelvin kissed a boy", "Kelvin is gay" - I stayed in the classroom during recess on many days because I didn't want to be insulted outside. I remember asking my mother "if boys kiss boys does it mean they're gay?" I remember her saying "No", but I don't remember what she said afterward. She probably thought to herself, "What is this little boy talking about now?!".

Thursday, May 10, 2018

To Know God

I sat outside tonight having dialogue with God - and when I say 'dialogue' I mean back and forth communication, and not one way pleads and prayers that you so often do with the idol you and your ancestors have served.

We spoke about the brutal dictatorship of Iran and about why Christ does what Christ has been doing.

Christ learned lessons from the past, and has not been eager to let people experience God's power in this place. Faithfulness is the only way to please God, it is the only way to do good, and it can only come about by experiencing God's power. But if Christ reveals to you God's power in an explosive manner, there is a great risk that you will bring your ideas of God to your new relationship with Christ, and that CANNOT happen. This occurred in the past and has been detrimental to the human condition ever since; it has birthed religion, namely Christianity. It was the issue of Paul - though he was a prophet of God - he brought his previous ideas of God and the law into the bed of Christ, and this burdened the Church with rules and beliefs - a burden that has lasted for thousands of years. So he had to be let go of his position and he perished. Christ loves the world - and this was made known to me from above - but Christ cannot be openly revealed to the world without consequence, unfortunately. There will not be another Paul incident.

Christ spoke to me tonight about the transformation in Brent's nose and about why it isn't going as fast as he prefer (or preferred) - http://www.awitness.org and http://twitter.com/bkherbert99. The church was founded on those faster-style healings in the first century - God's power was revealed to Jews and Romans alike. Though Christ was hopeful - just as hope was placed in him - humanity was not ready for God to be revealed, and a lot of false doctrines, prophets, opinions, and beliefs were born. The world was hurled into exile as a result - where you wouldn't hear a single peep from God for thousands of years.

Now, since science and technology has progressed and people do not cling to religion like they used to (especially in northern North America and Europe), there may be an opportunity for the power of Christ to be revealed - as it has been to myself and Brent. (It will be well thought out by Christ before taking place.) Speaking of myself, it was risky of Christ to reveal God's power to me - but he knew that he could help me deal with my emotionally instability and certain bad behaviors without me having to die first. He knew that, with time, I would let go of judging people based on what I think they ought to be doing. He knew that any of my preconceived notions of God would be left in the past, and that I would not so easily attach old beliefs to the Living God who surrounds me with kindness everyday.

Friday, May 4, 2018


This world would be a beautifully different world if people refused to judge one another, if parents refused to judge their children. Judging is the descendant of lies - the direct descendant of belief, which is the descendant of lies.