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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tweets - February 29th - Leaders

One of the qualities of any decent leader is that you're taking people where they want to go. If you take people where they don't want to go, then you are an oppressor, and those you lead are oppressed.

What do we call you when you seek to lead people to places they don't know or understand? You can not be called a decent leader - not when our feelings, values and understandings aren't as valid as your own; not when we are refused the info needed to decide if we should follow.

You deceive yourself, yet again, as you perpetuate this genuine lack of care.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tweets - February 26th - Offensive Christ

Everything about Christ is offensive. He just does shit out of spite sometimes. For instance, he didn't have to go out and gather food on the Sabbath - breaking commandments as it were. He certainly didn't have to take your sons with him, having them ignore the law all the same.

He could have gathered all his food the day before, but nope, he was set on triggering all those crotch-covering conservatives. Then he had the nerve to "lead Israel astray" by having people follow him. There was no way he was making it past 33 years in this place.

He didn't have to take your sons and daughters out to party and get blasted with sex workers while they caressed and licked his feet (and likely other body parts). He was in his early 30's ya know. And he didn't have to condemn your hypocrisy, who wish to do the same in secret.

Christ has not changed one bit in that regard. He could have called heterosexual conservatives to lay the road leading to God's Garden (eternal life - in the flesh), but nope, he had to be himself, he had to be spiteful and offensive.

He chose irreligious unbounded fags to lead the way, just to piss people off - and people will be pissed off and take severe offense once they catch wind of what Christ is doing.

There was no way he was going to pay a visit to this place in person, not for 2000 years. He's probably packing an enormous dick, and out of spite, would walk up in someone's church naked and start slanging that thing around. They would seek to crucify him all over again.

Would you ever hang with someone who found you repulsive and offensive? Certainly not for any extended period of time. You shouldn't expect to walk side-by-side with Christ until you can find nothing he does shameful or offensive. Until then, business as usual (the grave).

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tweets - February 25th - I am me

When I left religion (Pentecostal, Christianity), the idea of homosexuality (or any sexual act) being a "sin" flew out the window. It was nothing I ever thought or questioned since. I am me, and my humanity and sexuality is unashamedly intertwined with my personality. I am whole.

I am gay insomuch as it matters to you, but I could have never known the term "gay" and I would still be me. There is no other version of me - so to reject me for being gay is to reject me and my humanity altogether.

Besides mercilessness and injustice (things you hate done to you), God is not judgmental. For God to be as judgmental as the most vile and heartless people of this world, and then to reject me because I am gay, is literally no different than God rejecting me for having skin.

Either I am completely acceptable to God (because I can only be myself, or a liar), or I am rejected altogether.

But if God has a problem with me being me, God can lobotomize me - chop out half of my brain (which is the only way I could no longer be me) - which sounds a hell of lot more "loving" than sending me to roast for billions of years.

If I am sent to burn because I am gay, it was only because God put in the absolute least amount of effort to ensure I wouldn't burn. If you judge and condemn me because I am me, it was only because you put in the absolute least amount of effort to even try to be a decent person.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Tweets - February 17th - Humbling of humanity

Everything that exists is a manifestation of the "stuff" and substance of God. God is in everything and through everything and is everything (so the theory of angels go). What God destroys - according to God's own character and will - God rebuilds.

Whatever part of God that God "destroyed" all those billions of years ago God is rebuilding in to what we call "the universe"; turning substance and chaos into a system that God finds absolutely pleasing.

Such will be the humbling of humanity when they confront the unashamed honesty and power of the Living God who destroys and constructs the land of the living for the living, and for God's delight.

For whatever reason, God highly values our liberty, and humanity continues to be a risk that God is willing to take. Through God's power, we will learn to use steel-bristled brushes to scrub the stains of bloodshed, religion, injustice, and indecency off our tongues and hands.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Tweets - February 14th - People are people

Going back far enough I was very comfortable with myself. I was a little gay boy that thought some of the other little boys were cute. Unfortunately, by the time I was 12, the damage had already been done.

I was made to feel uncomfortable and hate who I was. Leave it to the human race to teach their own children to hate themselves. "Mercy", they say in their hearts, "is for those who deserve it." Who more undeserving than a little gay kid who thought some of his peers were cute?

Wish I would have used more genderless terms because going back that far I probably didn't even know or care that I was a "boy". But I was surely made aware over next few years.


People are people. Before you are anything else, you are a person. A person having a vagina or not doesn't make much difference to me (with regard to them being a person). Whether you have a penis or not, you are still a person and should always be treated as such.

Treating others in ways you'd have them treat you cannot be limited to people you know, love, like, or understand. But this is the human race, where people preach one glorious righteous holy thing and perform a whole 'nother.

Such hypocrites are worthy of everything that God is handing them. Next time you go to church, be sure to carry a mirror with you - and if you're feeling really judgy on Sunday, be sure to hold the mirror up to the Lord's face so he can see the type of person he's created.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tweets - February 5th

There is nothing human-like about the universe, or nature, or nebulas, or dirt. There is no touch of humanity in anything outside of what humans make.

God is unique, and all those unified systems speak volumes about the ideas of God. But then we have holy books, like the bible, torah, and quran that are considered "God inspired" or "the Word of God". Everything about these books shout to us, "human!", "human!", "human!".

Instead of looking at everything (the universe, nature, dirt, life, death, etc.) as the open, honest, enigmatic, and unique word and language of God, we are encouraged by man to put these things secondary, and consider holy books the most important resource when it comes to the "A, B, C's" of God (e.g., understanding gravity won't stop God from tossing you in hell, turning the heat up to the highest possible setting).

I choose to believe God everyday, and everyday I am given something new. My abilities to read and understand human languages are never a requirement. How cruel and unjust a requirement?