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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Monday, January 29, 2018

Looks like a heart attack

God causing billions of people to have a heart attack will be a very bitter pill to swallow. Change must occur, and most changes occur because of a demanding need. When there is no demanding need to end all forms of poverty, starvation, and oppression, then God sends prophets warning people of an impending heart attack. If the world listens, then crisis averted, if not, then the infarction will ensue. Many will survive the pain and struggle, and many will perish.

You must also understand that there will be no physician to place in a stent, only God can heal the destruction of the heart that God destroys. If the heart attack does not prove enough to bring about faithfulness, then people will endure chest pain after agonizing chest pain - attack after attack. This is their outcome.

As for what the blockage is, and what the heart is, I don't yet know. But I do know that the blockage will destroy the heart bit by bit. This heart attack will destroy pointless sensitivities and distractions (such as religion and multitudes of 'my truths' and philosophies and opinions) and force people to look at the much bigger picture. This heart attack will force people to be honest with themselves about themselves and about God.

God will become the burden of humanity because this heaven is hell, and this is unacceptable to God, Christ, and the righteous walking barefoot in God's Garden.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hungry Christ

Whatever Christ wants from me is what Christ gets from me. Even though I had just eaten, I felt hunger pangs, so I went in the kitchen and made a huge pot of spaghetti - a little spicy, but otherwise seasoned to perfection. After I ate a few bites, I became nauseous, so I took the whole pot of spaghetti outside and tossed it down a deep well. Christ was deep in the well and ate the food I tossed in, because he was hungry. Do you understand?

Christ does whatever He sees God doing. If God were hungry, would God inform you to kill a cow? If God were thirsty, would God ask you to fetch water? Christ does not ask anymore of me than to be faithful and to be a decent human being. But if Christ wants a spicy pot of spaghetti from me, then Christ will ensure he receives a spicy pot of spaghetti - without ever whispering a word to me - never asking anything of me other than to be faithful and to be a decent human being.

Have I lost my liberty in Christ? Of course not! But if I eat, I will throw up. I have liberty, but Christ has more; and God more than him.

My friends drop their mouths when they hear I longer drink alcohol, smoke, or even vape. They will think I'm crazy when they see my perpetual diet full of fiber and low in fat. These changes had to be made - otherwise, I miss sleep (to sum things up gently). I don't understand all of the changes that Christ is implementing in me right now, but things will become more clear with hindsight.