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An Introduction

I was raised Christian (Pentecostal). One Sunday, when I was about 15 years old (in the year 1994 or 1995), I was in church with my mother, ...

Friday, February 14, 2020

Tweets - February 14th - People are people

Going back far enough I was very comfortable with myself. I was a little gay boy that thought some of the other little boys were cute. Unfortunately, by the time I was 12, the damage had already been done.

I was made to feel uncomfortable and hate who I was. Leave it to the human race to teach their own children to hate themselves. "Mercy", they say in their hearts, "is for those who deserve it." Who more undeserving than a little gay kid who thought some of his peers were cute?

Wish I would have used more genderless terms because going back that far I probably didn't even know or care that I was a "boy". But I was surely made aware over next few years.


People are people. Before you are anything else, you are a person. A person having a vagina or not doesn't make much difference to me (with regard to them being a person). Whether you have a penis or not, you are still a person and should always be treated as such.

Treating others in ways you'd have them treat you cannot be limited to people you know, love, like, or understand. But this is the human race, where people preach one glorious righteous holy thing and perform a whole 'nother.

Such hypocrites are worthy of everything that God is handing them. Next time you go to church, be sure to carry a mirror with you - and if you're feeling really judgy on Sunday, be sure to hold the mirror up to the Lord's face so he can see the type of person he's created.

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